Health Medical

Living Your Daily Life With Chronic Pain? How To Get The Relief You're Seeking

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Living life with chronic pain creates new challenges each day. Not only are you experiencing discomfort with every step you take, but you may also be having a hard time doing things for yourself that you used to enjoy. Chronic pain sufferers often feel they’re missing out on life because doing something as simple as walking out the door or standing for several minutes can lead to more pain. If you feel this way, working with a physician to develop a personalized chronic pain treatment plan can help you get more relief than you can imagine.…

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Great Things A Nutritionist Can Do For You

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Many people can reap great rewards from seeing a nutritionist. You may be one of the people who could benefit from working with one as well. Reading the information below can help you see some of the benefits of working with one, so you can better determine if you may benefit from working with one yourself. Here’s more on this:  You can find out what you are allergic too  One of the ways a nutritionist can help you is by helping you find out what foods you are allergic to.…

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Do You Have Secondary Toenails? What To Watch For

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If you are like most people, you probably don’t even realize that your toenails are vulnerable to injury, damage, and physical complications. In fact, if you don’t keep your toenails trimmed as regularly as you should, you may be susceptible to issues with secondary toenail growth. If you’ve never dealt with secondary toenail growth, you need to understand the signs to look out for to determine when you need to see a podiatrist.…

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Everything You Need To Know About Legal Transcription Services

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If you have any audio files that relate to court proceedings, contracts, or any other legal content, you may want to consider looking for legal transcription services to help you convert the files into written documentation.  What Are Legal Transcription Services? Legal transcription services are provided by qualified transcription companies. The company will take an audio or video file and convert it into a written document according to legal standards. In general, these services are provided for any type of legal document, usually for lawyers or other legal professionals.…

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The Role Physical Activity Plays In Senior Wellness Care

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Maintaining your wellness as you age can come with hurdles. But it is just as important, if not more so than it is when you are younger. Proper diet, sleep, and socialization are all essential components, but nothing is more important than physical activity. Here are a few ways physical activity can enhance your later years.  Improves Your Health The Center For Disease Control (CDC) recommends you engage in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activities.…

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Who Should Consider Post-COVID Therapy?

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If you’ve had COVID-19, you may be wondering if you should consider post-COVID therapy. Post-COVID therapy can be useful for many people who are still living with symptoms long after they’ve experienced the illness. These are some of the reasons why you might want to consider post-COVID therapy so you can start feeling better physically, mentally, and emotionally. You Still Experience Fatigue If you’re still experiencing fatigue after having COVID-19, post-COVID therapy can help you manage your symptoms and start to feel more energetic.…

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5 Common Misconceptions About Colonoscopies

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A colonoscopy is a routine procedure that checks for colon cancer. If your doctor has advised for you to undergo this procedure, it is important to schedule your appointment soon. Do not put off a colonoscopy because you may have heard certain untruths about it.  Here are the most common misconceptions about colonoscopies that you should not believe. A Colonoscopy Hurts Too Much This is one of the most common reasons why some people shy away from colonoscopies.…

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Don't Want To Take Sleeping Medication? Try These Options First

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If you’re struggling to sleep at night, you may be considering taking medication to help you get the rest you need. However, there are situations in which you may not want to try sleep medications first. The good news is that you have other options. These are some of the options you may want to try first. Create a Cozy Sleep Environment First, make sure your sleeping environment is conducive to rest.…

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Health Matters: Receiving The Healthcare You Deserve As A Transgender

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Receiving the proper healthcare as a transgender is important for helping to prevent illness and keeping your body healthy. However, finding good healthcare can be challenging for some transgenders. Finding a physician who understands and is informed regarding the needs of transgenders is important and will help you get the healthcare you deserve.  Hormonal treatments If you are using hormonal treatments as part of your transgender regimen, working with a doctor who specializes in these forms of treatments is essential to make sure you are getting the proper dosages.…

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Could PRP Stem Cell Therapy Help Damaged Articular Cartilage?

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Articular cartilage is a connective tissue that cushions bones and protects joints from impact. Articular cartilage can naturally wear down as a person ages, but it can also wear down prematurely from repetitive motions, injury, or disease—like osteoarthritis. If you have symptoms like joint pain, swelling, or clicking/grinding, you should reach out to your doctor to see if your articular cartilage has been damaged. They might recommend PRP stem cell therapy as a treatment option.…

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