The Smallest Patients: In-Home Healthcare For Children

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When people think of in-home health care, they typically think of care that the elderly receive to allow them to stay in their homes. However, some of the main clients are actually younger and smaller. According to a 2009/2010 study, 15% of all US children have some type of special health care need. Health problems that are of a chronic nature and go beyond what one would expect for a typical child is considered in this group. With such a large percentage of children having a need, it's ideal to have a healthcare option that keeps them out of hospitals when possible. In-home healthcare helps children and their families have this option.

What Types of In-Home Pediatric Care are Available?

Hospital stays are very expensive for families and insurance carriers. The stay away from home is also inconvenient for parents and traumatic for children. In-home healthcare agencies provide many services that are received in a hospital but can also be provided safely and comfortably at home. Some of these services for children include:

  • Direct Care: In-home caregivers provide one-on-one care and attention. This helps make sure that the needs of the patient are met on a higher and more personal level.
  • Skilled Nurses Guidance and Training: When a child is released from the hospital there are often physician's orders to follow. Some of these may be beyond the knowledge of the parent. Skilled nurses can give guidance and training to parents.
  • Therapies: After extended and serious illness or injury, various therapies may be needed to help the child regain or improve skills. Speech and physical/occupational therapies are commonly provided as in-home services.
  • Documentation of Medical History: Parents can be overwhelmed with caring for a child while continuing normal daily activities. In-home health care providers can help keep up the child's medical history accurately and thoroughly so that nothing is overlooked or undocumented.

Pediatric Conditions That May Benefit From In-Home Care

Children need every opportunity to grow as strong, healthy, and successful as possible. Almost any child with a special health care need can benefit from the services and attention a skilled home healthcare professional can give. A few of the common health conditions that may benefit include:

Families who are able to provide in-home care for their children have peace knowing their children receive the care needed, through companies like At Home Health Care, in a comfortable environment. In addition, insurers see a cost savings. It's a win-win situation for all involved.


