Seven Things You Shouldn't Assume About Treatment For ADHD
Making certain assumptions about ADHD could discourage individuals from seeking treatment that can really benefit their lives. The more accurately informed patients and parents are about ADHD treatment, the better their quality of life and potential for success will be despite an ADHD diagnosis.
The following are seven things you shouldn't assume about ADHD treatment.
Those who take medications for ADHD are more likely to develop substance abuse problems.
Many people assume that ADHD medications can serve as gateway drugs to illicit substances. However, doctors carefully monitor patients prescribed with medications as part of ADHD treatment.
If patients follow the directions of their prescription, they should be able to benefit from medications without being susceptible to addictions.
ADHD medications always cause side effects.
Although some ADHD medications may have certain side effects, not every patient who takes these medications will experience side effects.
Patients who take medications as prescribed and maintain a healthy lifestyle will not typically experience significant complications from side effects.
Medication is the only way to treat ADHD.
Medication is only one possible treatment method for ADHD patients. There are many other types of ADHD treatment including counseling and education services. ADHD patients who don't want to take any medications still have a lot of available treatment options to consider.
Children with ADHD really just need to be more disciplined.
ADHD is a real condition that can hold affected patients back in life. It's a mistake to believe that a patient who is struggling with ADHD merely needs to be more disciplined.
ADHD patients are likely to continue to struggle with issues focusing and excelling academically regardless of how hard they try to be more disciplined. Undergoing ADHD treatment is likely to be far more effective than simply trying to focus on discipline.
A child in preschool is too young to receive ADHD treatment.
Children who are preschool age are not too young to be diagnosed with ADHD. In fact, even toddler-aged children can be diagnosed with this condition. It's also important to note that the earlier treatment is begun, the more effective it is likely to be.
ADHD treatment isn't necessary because children eventually outgrow the condition.
Unfortunately, ADHD is generally a chronic condition. This condition can follow diagnosed children well into their adult years. That's why it's important to seek treatment rather than simply waiting the condition out with the assumption that it will eventually be outgrown.
ADHD treatments are new and experimental.
ADHD treatments and medications have been in use for decades. This means that there are many reliable treatments for the condition. The effectiveness of these treatments has been widely researched and documented.