If you are tired of looking older than you actually feel, you may want to consider getting Botox. This is a substance that is injected into the skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Botox has a toxin that goes into the skin and keeps the muscles from contracting. This will allow for a smoother appearance and younger looking skin. When considering getting Botox, there are certain things you should know that may help prepare you in advance for this procedure and what is involved.…
Chronic neck and back pain can be a source of extreme stress and frustration in your life. It can keep you from being able to participate in normal daily activities, from getting proper exercise, or from enjoying even the simplest leisure activity. While conventional medicine may offer you the options of prescription medications, physical therapy, and even surgery, you may be looking for other, alternative options. Lucky for you, there are several alternative options available to you to treat your neck and back pain.…
Many may think that a heart attack and cardiac arrest are one and the same. However, they are two very different events and should be treated accordingly. Understanding the differences and protocol can literally mean the difference between life and death. In either of these instances, you only have minutes to act. Being prepared beforehand can save the life of a loved one or even a stranger.
Heart Attack vs Cardiac Arrest…
Aquatic physical therapy is often more beneficial for a patient than land therapy, but fear may be a discouraging factor if you are afraid of the water. Knowing when water therapy is preferable for many conditions and how it is performed can help you overcome your anxiety.
Conditions Most Suited for Aquatic Therapy
Individuals who suffer from the debilitating effects of a stroke, the painful joints present with arthritis or fibromyalgia often greatly benefit from water therapy.…
Most people who struggle with their weight take every new piece of weight-loss news very seriously. Some of this news even comes from seemingly very reliable sources and studies. If you follow any of these popular diet “rules” and beat yourself up every time you break one, then you may be surprised when you find out that you never did anything to sabotage your health and weight loss at all. …